How Much Do SEO Services Cost and What to Expect

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This is a concern of every new website owner. First, we look for quality, and then we look for the cost. Many services offer cheap SEO services, and some offer multiple SEO packages, perplexing the business owner. This blog will help you find the answer to “how much do SEO services cost.” 

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is an important part of digital marketing that assists firms in increasing their online presence and attracting more potential clients. SEO entails optimizing a website’s content and structure to rank higher on search engines such as Google, boosting your chances of appearing in front of users seeking items or services connected to your business.

Businesses who want to engage in SEO services must first understand how much it costs and what to expect from the process. The cost of SEO services varies widely based on the scope of work, the size of the company, and the industry in which it works.

We’ll go through the aspects that determine the cost of SEO services and give you an overview of the different pricing structures utilized by SEO companies. We’ll also examine what firms may expect regarding returns and ROI from their SEO efforts.

You’ll have a better knowledge of how much SEO services cost and what you can anticipate from the process by the end of this article, allowing you to make an informed decision about investing in SEO for your business.

Factors that Affect SEO Services Cost

The cost of SEO services is not a one-size-fits-all solution and can vary greatly depending on several factors. Some of the key factors that influence the cost of SEO services include the following:

  1. Business size and industry: The SEO cost is determined by your business’s size and industry. Small businesses in competitive industries may require more SEO than larger businesses in less competitive industries.
  2. Scope of work: Simple technical fixes to complex content creation and link-building strategies can all be part of search engine optimization. SEO costs rise in direct proportion to the complexity of the work.
  3. Location: The location of an SEO provider can also have an impact on pricing. SEO services in a large city may be more expensive than in a small town.
  4. Level of expertise: SEO providers’ expertise and experience can also impact service costs. A more skilled and experienced SEO professional will charge a higher fee.
  5. Pricing model: SEO provider pricing can also impact service costs. Some service providers bill by the hour, while others charge a percentage of SEO revenue.

It is critical to understand that the costs of SEO services vary greatly depending on the factors listed above. Understand your company’s needs and budget to get the most out of SEO services.

Competition Level of the Industry

SEO costs are determined by industry competition. In high-competition industries, more comprehensive SEO strategies are required to achieve and maintain high search engine rankings, which can raise service costs. Low-competition industries may need less SEO, lowering costs.

Technology, finance, and e-commerce are all competitive industries. Search engines struggle to rank these businesses because they offer similar products and services. As a result, these industries may require more expensive SEO services to achieve their objectives.

There is little competition for niche or rural businesses. Because there are fewer competitors for online real estate, these companies may require less SEO. SEO costs may be lower in these industries.

When budgeting for SEO services, it is critical to consider industry competition. Understanding your industry’s competition can help you determine your company’s SEO needs and budget.

Size and Complexity of the Website

The size and complexity of the website determines SEO costs. Large, complex websites cost money to optimize for search engines.

The structure of a website influences SEO costs. A well-organized website is both user- and search-engine-friendly. A poorly structured website, on the other hand, makes SEO more difficult and costly.

Website pages influence SEO costs. More pages necessitate more SEO work, which may raise service fees.

Website issues influence SEO costs. Broken links, slow page load times, and poor mobile responsiveness can all harm user experience and SEO. Technical issues must be resolved for the campaign to be successful, but SEO costs will rise.

Type of SEO Services Needed

Several SEO services are available to businesses, each with unique benefits and costs. Some of the most common types of SEO services include:

  1. Technical SEO: Technical SEO optimizes a website’s technical elements to boost search engine rankings. To improve user experience, this SEO service fixes technical issues like broken links, slow page load times, and poor mobile responsiveness. 
  2. On-page SEO: On-page SEO optimizes page content and structure for search engines. This SEO service optimizes page titles, meta descriptions, header tags, and other elements to boost a website’s relevance. 
  3. Off-page SEO: Building high-quality backlinks from other websites is off-page SEO. This SEO service uses guest blogging, directory submissions, and social media marketing to boost a website’s search engine ranking. 

SEO services vary in price depending on the type and scope of the work. Off-page SEO strategies and comprehensive SEO campaigns are more expensive than technical fixes and on-page optimizations. Businesses can select the best SEO services and budget by understanding the various types and costs.

Different Types of SEO Services and their Costs

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SEO services can range from simple technical fixes to comprehensive campaigns, and the cost of these services can vary greatly depending on the type of service required. By understanding the different types of SEO services and their costs, businesses can make informed decisions about the level of SEO services they require and what they can expect to spend.

In this section, we’ll explore the different types of SEO services available to businesses and provide an overview of their associated costs. 

On-Page Optimization

By optimizing page content and structure, on-page optimization increases website visibility and ranking. On-page SEO ensures that a website’s pages are relevant, user-friendly, and optimized for search engines.

On-page optimization improves search engine visibility by optimizing page titles, meta descriptions, header tags, and content. On-page optimization assists search engines in comprehending website content and ranking it higher.

The cost of on-page optimization is determined by the scope of work, the size and complexity of the website, and the SEO provider’s expertise. Some of the key factors that can impact the cost of on-page optimization services include:

  1. Keyword research: Keyword research to find the best keywords for each page may be included in on-page optimization costs.
  2. Content creation: On-page optimization services may include content creation or search engine optimization.
  3. Page volume: On-page optimization services may become more expensive as more pages require more optimization work.

Examples of on-page optimization techniques include:

  1. Optimizing page titles and meta descriptions: Page titles and meta descriptions assist search engines in understanding a website’s content. 
  2. Optimizing header tags: Header tags (H1, H2, H3, etc.) help to structure the content of a website’s pages and make it easier for search engines to understand the content. 
  3. Improving website content: On-page optimization is determined by the website’s content. 

Off-Page Optimization

Off-page optimization is the process of acquiring high-quality backlinks from other sites. Off-page optimization, in contrast to on-page optimization, builds relationships and improves the search engine credibility of a website.

Off-page optimization generates high-quality backlinks from reputable websites to the target site. These backlinks demonstrate to search engines that a website is credible and authoritative, which can result in a higher page rank. Examples of off-page optimization techniques include:

  1. Social media marketing: Social media marketing involves promoting a website on social media platforms to build backlinks and improve its visibility in search results.
  2. Directory submissions involve submitting a website to online directories to build backlinks and improve its visibility in search engines.
  3. Guest blogging: Guest blogging involves writing and publishing articles on other websites to build backlinks to a target website.

Technical SEO

Technical SEO optimizes a website’s technical elements to improve search engine rankings. As opposed to on-page and off-page optimization, technical SEO improves a website’s infrastructure and coding, allowing search engines to crawl and index its content.

Technical SEO enhances the user experience by addressing technical issues such as broken links, slow page load times, and poor mobile responsiveness. Because search engines prefer websites that provide a positive user experience, addressing these technical issues can help a website’s ranking.

Examples of technical SEO techniques include:

  1. Fixing broken links: Broken links hinder search engine crawling and user experience. Fixing broken links improves website usability and search engine rankings.
  2. Improving page load times: Slow page load times can hinder search engine crawling and user experience. Page load times can boost search engine rankings and user experience.
  3. Improving mobile responsiveness: Poor mobile responsiveness can hinder search engine crawling and user experience. Mobile responsiveness improves website user experience and search engine visibility.

Local SEO

Local SEO is optimizing websites for local search engines and maps. Local SEO optimizes a site for local search engines and results instead of global search engines and results.

Local SEO optimizes a website’s structure and content for local search engine and map results. Including local keywords and information in a website’s page titles, meta descriptions, content, and Google My Business listing can increase its visibility in local search results.

Examples of local SEO techniques include:

  1. Optimizing Google My Business listing: Google My Business optimization can boost a website’s local search and map visibility.
  2. Optimizing page titles and meta descriptions: Local keywords and information in page titles and meta descriptions boost local search results.
  3. Creating location-based content: Location-based blog posts and articles can boost a website’s local search rankings and maps.

E-commerce SEO

E-commerce SEO is optimizing a website for search engines to increase its visibility and ranking. Unlike traditional SEO, e-commerce SEO optimizes an e-commerce website for product-specific search results.

E-commerce SEO improves search engine relevancy by optimizing product pages, descriptions, and images. Customers can find their desired products by optimizing pages with keywords, high-quality images, product categories, and navigation.

Examples of e-commerce SEO techniques include:

  1. Optimizing product pages: Search engine rankings can be improved by optimizing product pages with keywords and high-quality images.
  2. Optimizing product descriptions: Product descriptions that include pertinent keywords and information are highly valued by search engines.
  3. Improving website navigation: To enhance the user experience of an e-commerce website, website navigation can aid customers in locating desired products.

Enterprise SEO

Enterprise SEO is the process of optimizing complex websites for search engines. Enterprise SEO benefits from large, complex websites with multiple departments, products, and services. Traditional SEO focuses on optimizing small to medium-sized websites.

Enterprise SEO improves large websites’ structure, content, and navigation to improve search engine rankings. The user experience can be improved by optimizing large content, improving the website’s internal linking structure, and implementing advanced technical SEO solutions.

Examples of enterprise SEO techniques include:

  1. Optimizing website structure: Optimizing the structure of a large website can help search engines crawl and index its content, increasing its visibility and ranking in search results.
  2. Improving internal linking: The internal linking structure of a large website can improve user experience and navigation.
  3. Implementing advanced technical SEO solutions: Site speed optimization and schema markup can improve a large website’s user experience and search engine ranking.

Average Cost of SEO Services

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The monthly average cost of an SEO campaign in 2022 was $3,500. SEO costs can range from a few hundred dollars to tens of thousands per month, depending on factors such as the competitiveness of the keywords you want to rank for, the services you want, and the SEO company you select (US, overseas, freelancer, etc.) 

The average monthly cost for SEO projects in 2023 will range between $1,500 and $5 million per month, depending on the project’s scope. The going rate for consultants is $100 to $300 per hour, with a one-time project costing $5,000 to $30,000 based on the research of 2023. 

You get what you pay for in life; SEO services are no exception. Typically, agencies in the United States charge between $100 and $250 per hour or between $2,500 and $30,000.

  1. On-page optimization: The average cost of on-page optimization services can range from $500 to $5,000 or more, depending on the scope of work involved.
  2. Off-page optimization: The average cost of off-page optimization services can range from $500 to $10,000 or more, depending on the scope of work involved and the level of competition in a target market.
  3. Technical SEO: The average cost of technical SEO services can range from $500 to $10,000 or more, depending on the scope of work involved and the size and complexity of a website.
  4. Local SEO: The average cost of local SEO services can range from $500 to $5,000 or more, depending on the scope of work involved and the level of competition in a target market.
  5. E-commerce SEO: The average cost of e-commerce SEO services can range from $500 to $10,000 or more, depending on the scope of work involved, the size and complexity of an e-commerce website, and the level of competition in a target market.
  6. Enterprise SEO: The average cost of enterprise SEO services can range from $5,000 to $50,000 or more, depending on the scope of work involved, the size and complexity of the website, and the level of expertise of the SEO provider.

What to Expect from SEO Services


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SEO is difficult and time-consuming, but it can be beneficial to businesses. SEO services can help businesses increase website traffic, sales, and revenue. What do SEO services guarantee? 

In this section, we’ll go over the outcomes and benefits of investing in SEO services, as well as the factors that can influence the success of an SEO campaign. Companies can decide how much to invest in SEO if they know what to expect.

Initial Consultation and Analysis

Consultation and analysis are the first steps in SEO. During this stage, the SEO provider will inquire about the client’s business objectives, target audience, and online presence. A customized SEO strategy will be developed based on the client’s needs and goals.

Analysis and consultation are the first steps in SEO. The SEO company will first learn about the client’s business, goals, target audience, online presence, and competition to create a customized SEO strategy.

A custom SEO strategy will be created after researching the client’s business goals, target audience, and online presence, conducting keyword research, analyzing the competition, and planning to optimize the website’s content, structure, and reputation.

The SEO service provider will use this data to determine which SEO strategies and tactics will increase website traffic, search engine rankings, and revenue.

Customized SEO Strategy

Creating a customized SEO strategy is a critical step in the SEO process. During this stage, the SEO provider will consider several factors to create a tailored strategy that addresses each client’s unique needs and goals.

The SEO provider will consider several factors to tailor an SEO strategy to the client’s needs and goals. These include the industry, competitors, audience, website performance, technical issues, and content for the client.

The SEO provider will analyze the client’s competitors’ online presence to find ways to differentiate. The website’s content will be reviewed for quality, relevance, and keyword optimization based on the target audience’s demographics, interests, and purchasing habits.

The SEO provider will also identify and recommend solutions to technical issues such as broken links, slow page load times, and poor mobile responsiveness.

By considering these factors, the SEO provider can develop a customized SEO strategy that meets the client’s needs and assists them in achieving their SEO objectives.

Regular Monitoring and Reporting

SEO necessitates tracking and reporting on strategy progress. This assists businesses in understanding their investment and making SEO strategy decisions.

SEO necessitates the tracking and reporting of strategy progress. To evaluate the strategy and identify areas for improvement, the SEO provider will track website traffic, search engine rankings, and conversions.

Client preferences and work scope determine reporting frequency and format. Some clients prefer monthly or quarterly reports, while others prefer more frequent reporting, and reporting formats can range from a comprehensive written report to a dashboard or infographic.

To improve the SEO strategy, the SEO provider will optimize keywords, content, and technical SEO solutions based on the reporting results. This ongoing optimization will assist the client in achieving their SEO objectives as well as improving their online visibility and performance.

Communication and Collaboration

Effective communication and collaboration between the SEO service provider and the client are essential for the success of an SEO strategy. During the SEO process, the client and provider must work closely to ensure that the SEO strategy is aligned with the client’s goals and achieve the desired outcomes.

Good communication and teamwork are required for successful SEO projects. Depending on the client’s preferences and the scope of the work, the client and SEO provider can communicate via email, phone, or video conference.

The SEO service provider will respond to client inquiries and provide updates on the SEO strategy and work progress.

The client and SEO provider will meet regularly to discuss the SEO strategy, answer questions, and make any required changes. Communication throughout the SEO process will ensure that the strategy meets the client’s objectives and produces results.

The client-SEO provider partnership will be strengthened through effective communication and collaboration, increasing the project’s chances of success.

Expected Timeline for Results

One of the most common questions businesses have about SEO is, “how long will it take to see results?” The timeline for results can vary greatly depending on several factors, including the scope of work involved, the size and complexity of a website, and the level of competition in a target market.

The scope of work, target market competition and keywords and phrases can all impact the timeline of an SEO strategy. However, SEO strategies usually improve website traffic within 3 to 6 months. 

Improvements in search engine rankings typically take 6-12 months. Improving conversions—the rate at which website visitors perform a desired action, such as purchasing a product or completing a form—takes even longer, with businesses typically seeing improvements within 6 to 18 months. 

These are only estimates; actual results may take longer. Businesses should collaborate with their SEO provider to establish reasonable expectations and a timetable for results based on their needs and objectives.


After reading the entire post, you can see that we’ve talked about how the cost is affected by competition, website size and complexity, and SEO service type. We also discussed the average costs of on-page optimization, off-page optimization, technical SEO, local SEO, e-commerce SEO, and enterprise SEO.

SEO services can help businesses increase website traffic, search engine rankings, and sales and revenue. Online Biz Builders can assist businesses in developing a customized SEO strategy that meets their needs and objectives. Working with Online Biz Builders can help businesses improve their SEO results.

Contact Online Biz Builders today if you’re ready to boost your online visibility and drive more traffic to your website. Our experienced SEO professionals will work with you to create a customized SEO strategy tailored to your specific needs and goals. Allow us to assist you in achieving the desired results from your SEO investment.

If you want to know how our SEO agency, Online Biz Builders, can help you get great results at a reasonable price, contact us today for a free consultation.

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