Why Lawyers Hate Marketing Agencies 

Naturally, from our title, you’re wondering why lawyers hate marketing agencies. The answer, our brains as humans were designed to avoid pain and seek pleasure at all times. Even a simple escape from real or imagined pain provides pleasurable relief. When we feel pain, it triggers the fight-or-flight response part of our nervous system. And that influences us to avoid certain people, contexts, and activities. 

The same pain and pleasure motivation factors drive most of us to indulge in certain routines repeatedly. For most lawyers who hate marketing agencies, the critical driving motivation is not far from the desire to avoid pain. Beyond that, there are some other reasons why lawyers hate marketing. 

On the other hand, you may have acknowledged your need for a proactive marketing strategy to increase the consistent inflow of legal service clients. 

But if you hate marketing, how far can you go? 

How Does Online Marketing Help Lawyers?

I bet you have heard about online marketing before getting to this page. And now you are wondering how it will benefit your legal practice. Below are some core benefits of digital marketing for law firms. Please note that this is not meant to be an exhaustive list. 

Brand Visibility And Differentiation – Having a website is good. Interestingly, you might have used some law firm website design services to build an online presence. But what happens if your website is not visible to potential clients? Don’t wait for inbound leads before you can showcase your website. You can leverage this component of digital marketing for brand differentiation and increased visibility. 

Promotion of Specialty Expertise – Depending on the size of your law firm, you are likely to have some preferred areas of specialty. When this is the case, online marketing services for lawyers can help you promote your thing in some specific areas of law that may be more lucrative. From private equity to employment, insurance, housing, accidents, and intellectual property law, you can start promoting any specific area of specialization through strategic online marketing. 

Consistent Law Firm Lead Generation – The consistency of your law firm lead generation strategy will always impact revenue or cash flow. You’ll continue to struggle financially if you don’t have a proven means of getting law firm leads and clients. But now, you can leverage online marketing strategies to get consistent inbound leads, even when busy in a court of law. 

Client Acquisition From Local Search – When people actively search for the type of legal services provided by your firm and arrive at your website, the chances of converting some of them into quality clients are always higher. Through local search engine optimization (SEO) and paid search advertising, you can begin to attract real prospects ready to become clients as soon as possible. 

Investing in strategic online marketing for law firms can start getting measurable results like the ones highlighted below.

  • Website visits from preferred locations 
  • Inbound phone calls from real prospects
  • Contact form submission and inquiries 
  • Booked appointments in your online calendar 
  • Long-term clients from online marketing activities 

Leverage The Power of Social Proof – When some people need legal services, they look for firms or practitioners with proven expertise in preferred specific specialty areas. Think about this for a while. Will you take your toothache to a dental specialist, general surgeon, or chiropractor? By leveraging the power of social proof in marketing, you’ll be able to convert more prospects into clients faster than your competitors. Client testimonials and case studies are the best forms of social proof in a marketing context. 

 Reasons Why Lawyers Hate Digital Marketing Agencies 

Lawyers hate marketing agencies because……

#1: Overpromising And Underdelivering 

If you have not experienced it before, there is a chance you’ve heard some ugly stories that evoke painful memories. Whatever the case, marketing agencies are known for making juicy promises that are too good to be true. The usual intent is to lure you into becoming a client and paying their monthly retainer fees. But in the end, many of them often fail to deliver results that match their promises. Assuming you have experienced this before or know someone who has, the pain involved will make you hate marketing agencies. 

#2: Lack of Understandable ROI 

Unless you have a big company with a sizable budget for branding campaigns, every dollar spent on marketing should bring you some form of return on investment (ROI). Unfortunately, some marketing agencies rely on measuring keyword ranking and website traffic as the main results of their cost services. Once they lure you into spending your limited law firm lead generation budget on vanity metrics, it becomes hard to break even. And that’s another reason why lawyers hate marketing agencies. They want good ROI, not vanity metrics on a beautiful dashboard. 

#3: Overspending On Paid Advertising 

Here is one disadvantage of hiring an inexperienced or cheapest digital marketing consultant for law firms. These people will overspend your limited budget on paid advertising. For example, when it comes to paid search advertising for law firms, it costs around $10 – $90 to bring a single prospect to visit your website. Unfortunately, when some agencies overspend on this channel without impressive ROI, the lawyers that hired them often feel disappointed. And it makes them scared about hiring another marketing agency that may waste their time and money. That’s why they hate them. 

#4: Attraction of Mismatched Audiences 

We are getting website traffic and leads, but they are not converting into clients. The worst part is that we spend significant money on marketing activities and agency retainer fees. 

Most times, it is not uncommon to hear the above statements and similar ones from lawyers and law firm partners. People who have experienced this kind of problem have exceptional hate for marketing agencies. The problem is not about growing website traffic volume and legal service leads. The problem is getting mismatched audiences to visit your website from different marketing channels. 

The Outbound vs. Inbound Law Firm Marketing Comparison 

Whether you are a law firm partner or solo attorney, having a proactive legal service lead generation strategy will improve your revenue generation potential and cash flow. Especially if you are new to legal practice, you might be caught up in a position of comparing the best client acquisition approach to follow. In this section, I’ve briefly compared inbound vs. outbound marketing. Understanding the differences will help you choose the most suitable for your current stage, personal preferences, and the legal profession. 

What Is Outbound Marketing? 

Outbound marketing is pushing out promotional messages to build brand awareness, generate leads and make sales when you want, not when your target customers have apparent needs for what you are selling. For example, going to an offline networking event without clearly identifying who needs your legal services is a form of outbound marketing. In some circles, it is also called spray and pray marketing. 

Some businesses and their marketers also implement outbound marketing strategies through channel cold email, cold calls, TV Ads, billboard advertising, and display advertising. Reaching the highest number of viewers is usually the primary goal. 

What Is Inbound Marketing? 

Inbound marketing is about using different marketing channels to get and influence the attention of your ideal buyer persona, especially when they are looking for your products or services. 

Instead of reaching out to a specified audience when you want, the approach is to engage clearly defined audience segments or buyer personas when they are receptive to becoming quality leads or buying from your business. The best inbound marketing strategies include initial web design business blogging, local search engine optimization (SEO), National SEO, International SEO, paid search advertising, video content marketing, and case study content promotion.

Advantages of Hiring A Digital Marketing Agency

  • Access to specialty experts 
  • Usage of powerful tools 
  • Precise audience targeting 
  • Hand-free lead generation 
  • Detailed performance tracking 
  • Consistent customer acquisition 
  • Avoid wasteful spending 
  • Measurable ROI 

How Online Biz Builders SEO Agency Can Help Your Law Firm

Whether you hate marketing agencies or not, there exists the need for a proven law firm lead generation strategy that will help you get clients regularly. Without a consistent inflow of quality legal service leads, your cash flow or revenue generation potential will remain stagnant. 

Besides, you might be struggling with the challenge of getting clients in your preferred areas of legal practice. Interestingly, some areas of specialty in legal are more lucrative than others. If you are facing this and other similar marketing challenges, Online Biz Builders can help elevate your law firm. It doesn’t matter how competitive the landscape has been. 

With our proven SEO strategies you will truly see the importance of SEO. we can help you build a channel for a consistent inflow of quality local, national or even international leads you can convert into clients. This channel is about attracting prospects searching for specific types of legal services within your preferred operating locations and no more filling your pipeline with mismatched audiences. 

The best part is that our tools, strategies, and content works round the clock, even when you are busy in court or sleeping in your house. 

Your traditional digital marketing agencies focus on all aspects of digital marketing. 99.9 % of these digital marketing agencies fall under the notorious quote of “Jack of all trades, master of none”. Online Biz Builders is THE SEO agency that focuses on SEO and only SEO. By doing this we have become a master of our trade, increasing our client’s revenue by hundreds of thousands of dollars. Working with our clients to provide local SEO, National SEO, and even International SEO. We know and cover every aspect of SEO, Why just SEO you may ask? Because we know it works 😉    

Contact us today for a free consultation on how Online Biz Builders SEO agency Can Help Your Law firm.



Conclusion on Why Lawyers Hate Marketing Agencies?

Because they have not worked with Online Biz Builders SEO Agency!